home salon Feb 16, 2024
luxury & professional home salon myths

As home beauty businesses are rising in popularity, I have seen misconceptions floating around that need some clearing up. It can be confusing seeing conflicting advice online, but as someone that has run a successful home beauty business for over 3 years, I'll be honest with the facts.

Take a look below at the myths vs facts.

MYTH: Home salons aren't professional 

FACT : When done right, A home salon's main focus and dedication should be to meet high standards of professionalism, from design details to client experience. On the contrary, home salons can exhibit more professionalism than a commercial space. I've lost count of how many times I've been told my home lash studio is more professional than a high-end spa/salons in town. It's not about location, it's about how you make your clients feel. The amazing thing about owning and operating you own business, is that you get COMPLETE control over everything! You finally get to take the time to meticulously plan every detail to prioritize quality and offer a personalized approach, establishing satisfaction, trust and credibility with clients. That responsibility is no longer in someone else's hands, how amazing! It does take extra effort in a home salon, but it's most definitely possible to be a 5-star salon that attracts high-end clients and gives you the ability to charge luxury prices.


MYTH: Having strangers come into your home isn't safe 

FACT: First of all, no matter where you work, we are accepting new people into a private room with us. So establishing trust with your client at the very start is vital. With a home salon, there are many systems & safety procedures to set in place before allowing new clients access to your address. Things like virtual consults, forms, and obtaining deposits are just some of the many safety precautions discussed in my Luxury Home Salon Guide. No matter where you work, any new client coming into your space is a stranger so implementing the right systems and starting the client - artist relationship with mutual trust & understanding is SO important.


MYTH : Home salons aren't as profitable as a commercial

FACT: With the proper setup, offering an exceptional client experience along with quality service, can provide so much value to your clients. This can allow you to charge premium prices, ensuring a successful + profitable business. While saving all the money you would be spending on rent! Did you know the average beauty professional who rents a studio/room/booth pays an average of 12-17k a year in rent!? They will never see that money again. Working from home, that money is going into your retirement account, a down payment on a car/house or a europe vacation! Proving home salons can be just as profitable or more profitable than any other business.


If you're interested in having a successful and profitable beauty business from the comfort of your home...I have something for you!!

My Step-by-Step Ebook - Luxury Home Salon, will walk you through the whole process of creating and maintaining a professional & luxurious home salon - things like business planning, legality, tax advantages, layout design, construction, boundaries, client experience, forms, scripts, and everything in between.

The goal is always to have a business that you and your clients are obsessed with!

And Home Salons make that possible 


Start here


Have you believed any of these myths? What other home salon myths should I debunk?

- Jasmine xoxo