lash client tips Dec 12, 2023

We’re so excited for you to experience the wonderful transformation of eyelash extensions for the first time! Here are some ways you can prepare for your appointment so your lashes can look their best and last as long as possible!

1. Do your research
Before booking, research and choose the most reputable lash artist in your area. Read online reviews, look at pictures of their work, view or ask about their certifications, licenses, accreditations and if possible get a recommendation from someone you know and trust.

2. Arrive with a clean makeup-free eye area & clean eyelashes
In order to get the most out of your lash extension service it's important to arrive with clean lashes. Residual makeup, oils and debri left on the lashes will prevent the adhesive from properly bonding, resulting in bad retention/not lasting as long as they should. Time spent cleaning and washing your eyelashes at the appointment takes away from applying the lashes, resulting in a less full look. Make sure all mascara and eye makeup are completely washed off and if you wore temporary lashes recently, use an oil or micellar water to thoroughly cleanse that residual glue off well before your appointment.

3. Skip the coffee
I love an iced coffee as much as the next gal but any caffeine and other stimulants prior to your lash appointment can cause restlessness and cause the eyes to flutter making it challenging for the lash artist because complete stillness is required. In addition, it keeps us from relaxing and possibly taking a quiet lash nap resulting in a less enjoyable service. Enjoy any caffeine after your lash appointments!

4. Dress comfortably & bring headphones
Depending on what style you want, you’ll be laying on a comfy bed for 1-3hrs so dress in comfortable clothing to allow yourself to relax and be pampered! There will usually be calming music playing in the background but if you would like to listen to a book or podcast bring your headphones. This is your self care time to spend however your heart desires. This also helps keep talking to a minimum which helps your face stay still, allowing your lash artist to work quicker.

5. Arrive early
Arriving a few minutes early is ideal to have an in-depth consultation and to get all of your questions answered. It also allows your lash artist to get started on time and not have to rush so you can get the best service possible.

6. Block out enough time in your schedule
Your very first lash appointment will be a full set and will take around 2-3hrs to complete depending on the style you desire. The maintenance fill appointments are adding additional lashes to an already existing set so they are typically around 1 hour long. Please note that eyelash extensions are an intricate service that takes complete precision and time to produce quality work. It is not a quick service done in less than an hour because we have many individual natural lashes to sift through and thoroughly lash in a healthy way. We know your time is precious and we want to make sure you get the most out of your appointment so arrive early and enjoy this luxury, relaxing service.

Follow these simple steps and you’ll be fully prepared for your eyelash extension appointment!

When it comes to eyelash extensions, there’s a lot of options out there. From natural to full mega volume, there is truly something for everyone. But how do you know what style will make you look your best? At Silver Lining Lash, we offer a wide variety of lash sets to perfectly customize to your individual eye shape and desired look. We pride ourselves in offering a thorough, in-depth consultation so we get on the same page from the start and you always leave happy!

I hope you found this blog informative! Feel free to browse our website or message us if you have any questions or if you would like to schedule an appointment. If you’re in the Wichita, Kansas area wanting eyelash extensions or interested in our lash courses we look forward to hearing from you!

xoxo, Jasmine