home salon Jan 08, 2024
Pros & Cons of a Home Lash Salon

Working from home has become a popular choice for many professionals seeking flexibility and control over their careers. Picture this: no grueling commute, complete control over your schedule, and a clientele that values your personalized touch. It's a dream scenario, but is one that requires thoughtful planning to say the least. For beauty business owners, establishing a LUXURIOUS and SUCCESSFUL home-based business presents unique advantages and challenges to carefully consider :



  •  Increased Time: Eliminating commute time allows for more free hours in the day, which can be used to focus on personal life or take on additional clients.
  • Cost-Effective: Compared to a commercial space, the financial investment is significantly lower, offering higher profit margins. Also reduced spending on gas and overall minimal expenses can significantly increase your income.
  • Personalization: Clients appreciate the privacy and personalized attention they receive in a home-based setting, fostering deep connections and loyalty. Being able to focus solely on your client with no distractions, always maintaining a peaceful and comfortable experience for them is unmatchable. This customized approach will keep your clients coming back and make them send all their friends and family your way.
  • Control: Complete control over your schedule, time off, the environment, retail products, and client interactions allows for a tailored and professional experience that's always up to your high standards.
  • Profitability: With the ability to elevate your customer experience and add more value to your services, you can finally raise your prices to a price point you have dreamed of. Operating from home also means reaping the benefits of 100% profit (minus expenses), often with low overhead. No more paying thousands in rent a year! You get to invest that money back into your home and your business!
  • Flexibility: The freedom to design and manage your schedule, choose your clients and curate your dream workspace provides unparalleled freedom you get back in your life!


  • Independence : Operating a home-based salon requires confidence and proficiency in managing all aspects, from client relations to back-end business operations. With running any business, it's more than just working on clients, so strict self discipline is necessary to keep up with the responsibilities.
  • Strict Boundaries: Setting clear boundaries between personal and professional life is crucial to maintain work-life balance. With a home business, you may need more or stricter systems and protocols set in place to make this clear distinction so there's no confusion for you and your clients.
  • Professionalism: Maintaining an even higher standard of professionalism, including things like dress code and policies, is essential to uphold the salon's professional reputation.
  • Separation: No matter your layout, shed, garage or a repurposed guest room, an ideal setup includes a separate entrance. This may take some extra planning and budgeting but this is what sets your luxury home business apart from the rest of the average home businesses. It maintains a clear distinction between home and work, avoiding blurring lines between family and work life, which is a very very important aspect that shouldn't be overlooked.

Running a home beauty business offers unparalleled freedom, control and success over your career path, but demands a high level of self-discipline and commitment. Successfully balancing these pros and cons is key to reaping the rewards of a home-based beauty business.

With the right setup and mindset, operating a luxury home-based salon can be a highly profitable and a rewarding career choice. As I've been lucky enough to experience for the past 2 years. 

If you're interested in creating a luxurious beauty business in the comfort of your home ...

I got just the thing!

In the Luxury Home Salon Guide, I guide you throughout the entire process not skipping any little detail, providing resources, worksheets, checklists, support + proven strategies you'll need to turn this dream into actual reality!

Remember, this isn't a guide on how to create your average home-based beauty business, it's how to create a LUXURY home business, one that attracts your dream clientele and allows you to charge luxury prices.

I discuss thoroughly topics like implementing the right business systems (boundaries, safety protocols and policies), the legal and tax advantages, the design/construction/budget process, dos and don'ts, how to achieve ultimate client satisfaction, client scripts and marketing strategies, I give you ALL these tools and so much more inside this e-book!


Check it out here and let me know if you have any questions you'd like me to answer before purchasing!


Cheers! šŸ„‚ 

Jasmine xoxo